Would You Rather
Would you rather is a React and Redux powered web app built to mimic would you rather game.
I built this project from with React ,Redux, Redux-toolkit , React-strap and Bootstrap for styling.

Why this stack?
React was the ui framework for me because my familiarity with it and it's amazing react-redux package that binds both well.
I chose Redux because I wanted a managed global store and predictable state
Boostrap was the styling framework because I wanted to get my hands dirty with Redux without focusing too much on styling.
Lessons learned
- Never write vanilla Redux again :D , seriously after writing a few reduces and actions , I felt that it was complex, hard to manage and code was hard to keep track of. then I found Redux-toolkit package and I was amazed by the amount of boilerplate i removed from the code base and it was amazing.
- Gained more experience with React and it's ecosystem.