Hello, I'm

I'm a passionate introvert who loves building web apps and sites.
My first experience with web development was when I was 12, but it didn't last long:
I was always fascinated by websites and wanted to make my own so I searched the internet on how to make websites and found ahlamontada.com then I made my first website after this I forgot about it.
Years later I searched about the website and found it at https://jan12.rigala.net/  (if you're a recruiter please don't visit it :D )

then I took a web development course at my college in my second year and fell in love with it over again. since then, I’ve been honing my skills and learning Javascript and front-end development. I recently took web development specialization from the University of Michigan and took the open-source track at ITI summer internship.
I’m seeking a full-time role where I can help a company achieve its goals.

My Skills

What I've been working on

I like to stay busy and constantly learn new technologies and use them in a project.
Take a look at some of the projects I made.

Lilyanne Hany's blog screenshot

Writing by Lilyanne

A responsive PWA multi language blog built with Gatsby Js, Theme UI and Sanity CMS

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test table screenshot

Test table

A website to get your test table by course codes or names built with Nextjs, Nextjs's api routes, puppeteer and Mantine

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Would you rather website screenshot

Would you rather

Would you rather game built with Reactjs , Redux and Redux-toolkit

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Page website screenshot


A responsive music website built with React Js, Bootstrap and JSON file as a database

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Let's Build Something Together

Feel free to reach out if you're looking for a developer, have a question, or just want to connect
